Oracle 7.3 - Oracle 23ai 20+ years of experience Version (Released: )

KeepTool Blog - Current

Oracle Excel export

Excel: Shift + Ctrl + E

11 Nov 2014

The ability to export data to Microsoft Excel has long been a compelling feature of KeepTool, available through both a speed button and a context menu item. [...]
Oracle mutating table wizard

Oracle mutating table error and how to prevent

29 Sep 2014

The Oracle mutating table error occurs in case a database trigger performs an update on a table that already has been updated. [...]
Oracle database compare

KeepTool 11 Editions – Product suite realigned

17 Feb 2014

We’ve realigned our product suite by packaging our current lineup of executable programs into one of 3 KeepTool 11 editions, each of which is targeted at a specific user group. [...]