Oracle 7.3 - Oracle 23ai 20+ years of experience Version (Released: )

KeepTool Blog - 2021

Overview KeepTool Hora - Handy tools for Oracle datases

KeepTool 15 new features and improvements

06 Dec 2021

This blog introduces new key features of KeepTool 15 such as: - MS Windows 11 and Oracle 21c database support - XML DB improvements - Flagging database objects - Data encryption with direct TCP/IP
Oracle schema dependencies screenshot

Oracle schema dependencies

19 Apr 2021

Oracle schema dependencies is the topic of our newsletter: - Oracle schema dependencies explained - Oracle schema dependencies diagram - Drilling-down object dependencies
Backup SPFile to PFile dialog

Memoptimized Rowstore – Fast Oracle data access

23 Feb 2021

The memoptimized rowstore provides the capability of fast data lookup for tables that are mainly queried based on primary key columns. We show you how to use with KeepTool.