Oracle 7.3 - Oracle 23ai 20+ years of experience Version (Released: )

KeepTool Blog - Current

AES-256 password encryption in KeepTool 16.2

05 Sep 2024

Strong AES-256 password encryption is now used when saving passwords. This new feature of KeepTool 16.2 increases the security of your saved passwords.

Migrate to Oracle Scheduler Jobs

21 May 2024

Many Oracle databases still use traditional job technology. We show you how KeepTool 16.1 helps you to easily migrate to Oracle Scheduler jobs.

Flat Detail Data Browser for Oracle Database

22 Jan 2024

The Flat Detail Data Browser for Oracle Database collects data from detail and all subdetail tables jumping the hierarchy.

Oracle Bulk Insert Scripts

07 Nov 2023

KeepTool 16 allows you to create Oracle bulk insert scripts, direct path inserts and split large scripts into multiple files.

ORDS Oracle REST Data Services

18 Sep 2023

The article describes how to install ORDS on your database, and how to create and test ORDS Webservices with KeepTool Hora 16.

Oracle XML DB (Part 2) – Creating a data export interface

03 Mar 2023

The second article about Oracle XML DB explains how you use KeepTool to create a XML based data export interface: - Creating PL/SQL types - Creating the XSD schema - Interface table for data export - Data export logic

Oracle XML DB (Part 1) – Creating a data import interface

23 Jan 2023

The first article in our series about Oracle XML DB explains how you use KeepTool to create a XML based data import interface: - A sample use case - Creating PL/SQL types - Creating the XSD schema - Interface table for data import - Data import logic - Displaying the imported data

Using Oracle SQL*Net Encryption and Data Integrity Checksumming

20 Sep 2022

Today we show how to use Oracle SQL*Net encryption and checksumming when using the direct TCP/IP Connectivity: - Enabling Oracle SQL*Net encryption on the database server - Enabling Oracle SQL*Net encryption in the Oracle client - Using SQL*Net encryption with the direct TCP/IP Option - Monitoring Oracle SQL*Net encryption - Data Integrity Checksumming

Flag your database objects

18 Feb 2022

We will show you how you can flag your personal subset of database objects by assigning an appropriate icon: - How to flag database objects - Keeping organized - Sample use case
Overview KeepTool Hora - Handy tools for Oracle datases

KeepTool 15 new features and improvements

06 Dec 2021

This blog introduces new key features of KeepTool 15 such as: - MS Windows 11 and Oracle 21c database support - XML DB improvements - Flagging database objects - Data encryption with direct TCP/IP