Oracle 7.3 - Oracle 23ai 20+ years of experience Version (Released: )

KeepTool 14.2.0

03 Dec 2020

  • KeepTool 14.2 adds Oracle 20c support
  • The following dialogs now show a “reveal password” button inside the password box. It displays the password as clear text for the time the button is pressed.
    • Create User
    • Create Role
    • Change Password
    • Password Expiration
  • The new option “Data content | Escape control characters in script” introduced in KeepTool14.1.6 now additionally takes into account multi-byte Unicode control characters.
    They are scripted by their Unicode equivalent using the UNISTR(..) function.
  • Another similar option “Data content | Escape non-ASCII characters in script” forces all non-ASCII characters (either ANSI or Unicode) to be replaced by their Unicode equivalent using the UNISTR(..) function.
    Unicode control characters are escaped when either option is checked, since the domains of both options are overlapping.
  • In recent version KeepTool 14.1.4 we added a new “DbDoc Table ..” submenu item to for Hora’s “Tables” context menu item. It has been enabled to work for views now as well.
  • In KeepTool 14.2 there are some enhancements to the in-memory grid mode of Hora’s data content page.
    • When in-memory mode has been enabled, you can use the find box to search for a string in all columns of the data grid. The data grid highlights all matches.
      The search box has been moved now to the top-right of the datagrid, in-line with the group-by box on its right side. That saves some space to show more data.
      The position of search finds is highlighted within the scrollbar using yellow tags. A cyan tag highlights the currently selected data row.
    • Data Grid controls now allow users to calculate filter operands using formulas written as string expressions. By pressing the f(x) button in the filter builder, you can now utilize the expression editor (with auto-complete support) to customize formulas.
  • Optimized text measurement mechanism for single-line cells in grid views makes the UI more responsive and accelerates Best Fit grid column calculations – they are up to four times faster than in previous versions.
  • The setup installs the latest Wibu CodeMeter runtime version 7.10b.
    It is recommended to update the CodeMeter runtime on your network license server as well. Therefore, download the runtime setup from .
    CodeMeter 7.10b includes a couple of security fixes and Wibu strictly recommends updating the runtime on all your systems including older KeepTool versions. See for further information.
  • The Oracle container database (CDB) overview grid now shows the overall sum of opened PDB sizes in the footer area.
  • Please remember, on the SQL page, you can define bind variables as well as lexical SQL parameters using an identifier preceded by a colon (:) respectively ampersand sign (&). Hora queries and substitutes the parameters before execution. As of now, the input area automatically expands up to visible 6 lines and shows a vertical scrollbar for more lines. That allows you to enter multi-line parameters by pressing Ctrl+RETURN.
    Press either TAB or the post button (checkmark below the grid) to enforce line expansion while editing.
  • Support for Memoptimized Rowstore has been added for Oracle 18c and later:
    • The SGA page shows the new database parameter MEMOPTIMIZE_POOL_SIZE. On the CDB root, set it to a minimum size of 100M and restart the database to enable memoptimized rowstore.
    • The Tables overview grid shows two new columns Memoptimize Read and Memoptimize Write.
      A new context menu item “Mem Optimize …” allows you to change both flags.
    • Reverse DB adds the appropriate ALTER TABLE statement after constraints have been added, since an existing primary key is required for this option.
  • Support for shadow lost write protection has been added for Oracle 18c and later:
    • The “Create tablespace” dialog shows a new property LOST WRITE PROTECTION with the Contents dropdown list. Since this tablespace has to be a bigfile tablespace, the appropriate “bigfile” checkbox is marked automatically.
      This allows you to create a shadow tablespace that will contain the SCN numbers for tracked data files.
    • Both tablespaces grid view and datafiles grid view show a new checkbox column “lost write protection”.
      The configuration of this option will be part of a future release.
  • The “Show DDL dialog has got a new button “Open in SQL editor“. It copies the generated DDL into a new SQL editor on its own s tab sheet.
  • The popup menu that appears when you drag an object name from the DB object browser into the SQL code window, now contains a new “DDL (Create object) .. ” menu item.
    It works similar to the “Show DDL” menu items on the appropriate object overview dialogs.
  • A new checkbox option “SQL Page | Show non-printable characters” allows you to highlight the following non-printable characters using a gray font:
    Line break: ¶, non-breakable space (0xA0): _, soft line break: ¬, space:·, tab: ›.
    For example, that may help you to detect non-breakable spaces that are not allowed as spaces within SQL, e.g. when copying text from a web page.
  • The SQL filter comboboxes in both data content browser and tables|data content page show a dropdownlist of most recently used conditions.
    As of now, the dropdownlist is incrementally filtered by input search text.
    Furthermore, all column names of the database table are automatically added to the dropdownlist. That may allow you adding new filter conditions faster.
  • Up to now, the data content context menu item “copy to clipboard” copies the grid data to the Windows clipboard.
    The existing menu item has been moved to a submenu item. A new submenu sibling copies the SQL of the underlying query to clipboard.
  • Since KeepTool 14.2, the PL/SQL page | Call interface page generates an anonymous PL/SQL block for the selected procedure or function.
    All input variables are now initialized using a :PARAM parameter. When executed, Hora prompts you for parameter values.
    The similar feature on the SQL page that produces a call interface by drag/dropping a procedure or function from the DB object browser into the code window is unchanged, i.e. input variables are initialized as NULL values.
  • For Oracle 10g Release 2 and later, the Sessions | Open cursors page now displays
    • Another column group showing a summary of the SQL execution plan as retrieved from the V$SQL_PLAN view.
      The new columns may be null if the cursor has been swapped out of the library cache.
    • The execution plan below the SQL text, provided the cursor has not been swapped out of the the library cache.
      The new presentation is very similar to the existing “AWR” | “SQL history” view.
  • For further analysis, in KeepTool 14.2 both sessions overview and open cursors pages display the SQL_ID of the displayed SQL statement.
  • Syntax highlighting support for Oracle 20c PL/SQL keywords.

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