Oracle 7.3 - Oracle 23ai 20+ years of experience Version (Released: )

KeepTool 14.0.4

17 Dec 2018

  • KeepTool 14.0.4 introduces Oracle 18 support
  • New context menu item for tables|columns: “Drop unused columns …”.
  • The tables|add column dialog now allows you to add invisble columns by marking a checkbox similar to the properties/alter dialog.
  • The PLSQL window now highlights
    • PLSQL errors (red)
    • PLSQL warnings (yellow)
    • Unused procedures and functions in package body (gray) based on ALL_IDENTIFIERS evaluation.
  • Both the gutter bullet and the color map next to the scrollbar now use the same colors as the error/warning list below the code window.
    You can disable highlighting of warnings or unused procedures in the settings/behavior dialog.
  • The SQLEditor now supports UTF8 file format without BOM. To be sure, you can now select the encoding from a combo box in the FileOpen dialog. If you choose the “default” setting, the file content will be analyzed for an educated guess of the encoding.
  • The data content browser allows you to save your workset as XML file for later reopening the same collection of tables. Now the schema name will be excluded from saving in case you are working on the current schema. That allows you to open the workset on another copy of the schema with a different schema name.
  • The clear schema procedure now temporarily disables the recycle bin for better performance, if you are granted the HORA_USER or SELECT_CATALOG role.
  • The integrated FastReport engine has been upgraded to the most recent version 6 that allows more complex reports and additional report objects such as maps and barcodes.
  • When closed in normal state (not maximized), Hora retains screen position and main window size for next startup.
    This can be disabled by unchecking the checkbox in settings / startup window / Remember main window position and size.
  • The SQL editor remembers the path of the integrated file explorer and restores it on next startup.

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