Oracle 7.3 - Oracle 23ai 20+ years of experience Version (Released: )

KeepTool 16.1.0

23 Apr 2024

  • In Hora, both data content and SQL query data grids are now hiding the filter row for an empty resultset.
    This is to avoid users from entering new data into the filter row rather than the data grid.
    Once there is at least one data row, the filter becomes visible.
  • Data content menu items for INSERT, UPDATE, MERGE and DELETE script generation now display an options dialog. It allows you to preview and customize your settings.
    There are two action buttons “Save to file” and “Copy to clipboard” to perform script generation in either way.
    You can also tell the dialog to save your current settings as default for later use. Defaults can be changed in the settings dialog as well.
  • If you select a column name in the  “Change column order” dialog, it focuses the appropriate column in the underlying data content grid.
    In KeepTool 16.1.0, the column gets highligtes as well. That makes it much easier to find a specific column by name.
  • Support for BOOLEAN data type in Oracle 23ai.
  • Several improvements on the PL/SQL Types page:
    • The types overview grid shows additional checkbox columns and include supertype information.
    • There is a new menu item on the overview page that allows you to change properties such as ‘final’ and ‘instantiable’.
    • The attributes grid now shows data type information similar to the tables | columns grid including data type icons.
    • New context menu items have been added to the attributes grid. Now you can add, modify and delete type attributes.
    • The source code window now shows the DB object browser, similar to the PL/SQL page.
  • For direct TCP/IP connections, the default IP type has been changed from ‘IP V.4’ to ‘IP V.4 / V.6’, i.e. both.
    You can revert the setting to IP V.4 if you want to retain the prior logic.
  • As you may remember, there is a ‘Copy Query by key values’ button on the tables | constraint exceptions dialog. It copies a SELECT statement and a WHERE condition based on key values put into an IN (..) clause.
    In this version, we added another button ‘Copy Analysis SQL’. It copies the SQL that fills the data grid.
    If you are a developer, you can pass that query to your customer’s system. If necessary, it can be executed there by either Hora Free or any other Oracle SQL client software.
  • The context menu of the list of tables on the left side of the data content browser has got two new menu items that duplicate the logic of the table’s page
    • “Truncate” opens a modal dialog to truncate the table, i.e. delete all data without using rollback segment.
    • “Show DDL” opens a modal dialog that shows the DDL of the table, view or synonym, respectively.
  • On the sessions page, the ‘Lock wait graph’ tab has been renamed to ‘Blocking sessions’.
    The tab now displays a multi-column tree view and shows more information for blocked sessions.
  • On the SQL page,
    • The button ‘New resultset window’ has been renamed to ‘Execute query in new window’.
      The button both executes the query and displays the resultset in a new data grid.
    • If you have more than one resultset window, a green icon indicates the active data grid, i.e. the resultset from the most recent ‘Execute query’ command.
    • The new context menu item “Format | Create UUID” inserts a Universally Unique Identifier or Windows GUID, respectively,  (e.g. {0D927531-AB4E-4E0E-9801-2EE2002CD662} at the current cursor position.
      You can also use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U.
  • The tree view in our new Flat detail data browser now shows the foreign key name for detail tables having more than one foreign key reference to the same master table.
  • Tables page
    • The “move tablespace” context menu item for the tables|overview grid has been renamed to “move”.
      In the modal ‘move’ dialog, the tablespace isn’t mandatory any more for Oracle 12c Release 2 and later.
      There are several new options such as “move online”, “update indexes”, “compression” and “logging”.
    • Similar to the data content browser, the tables | columns data grid now uses a blue font for required columns. Both primary key and unique columns use a bold font.
    • As you may remember, the “Key” column in the left of the tables | columns grid shows a ‘key’ icon for columns that are part of a primary key or unique constraint.
      Now you can see there a small orange dot for other indexed columns. That allows you to see at a glance which columns are indexed and which are not.
    • All dialogs that allow you to add a constraint now default to ‘deferrable, initially immediate’. That allows you to temporarily defer them using SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED. Insert/update/merge scripts generated from the data content grid now contain this statement as an alternative to temporarily disabling constraints.
    • In the master/detail view, you can now click the lower right corner to flag or unflag the table.
    • The new menu item “DDL for PostgreSQL” works similar to the “Show DDL” menu item. It shows you a DDL that has been adapted for PostgreSQL databases. If you are working with PostgreSQL databases as well as with Oracle databases, this may help you to copy your table structures from Oracle DB to PostgreSQL. The DDL includes tables, indexes, constraints, foreign keys and comments. Furthermore, it does a first step for converting triggers. As required in PostgreSQL, it creates a pair of a trigger and a function. You have to complete the function coding based on the generated template on your own.
  • The following data grids now allow vertical row sizing by dragging the divider in the row indicator area:
    • Data content
    • SQL query resultset
    • Query parameter input.
  • The Rebuild index dialog now allows you to switch logging on or off.
    As a rule, logging is not needed in most cases. The index can be rebuilt anytime and the nologging option speeds up the process.
  • If you are selecting spatial data in the data content grid, you can use the context menu item ‘show geometry’ to open the SDO Geometry viewer.
    In KeepTool 16.1.0 the map view works also for 3-dimensional data by using a 2-dimensional projection to the 2-dimensional surface.
  • There is a new tab “SYSAUX Occupants” on the tablespace page. It shows you all occupants of the SYSAUX tablespace sorted by used space and the name of the move procedure (if applicable).
  • Both “Pipes” and “Outlines” pages have been moved to “DBA” group because of required privileges.
  • For traditional dbms_jobs, there is a new context menu item “Convert to Scheduler DDL …”.
    Similar to “Show DDL” it produces code to create a dbms_scheduler job. Optionally, the traditional job can be dropped.
    The menu item has been enabled for multi-select, i.e. you can convert multiple jobs at once.
  • There are several improvements on Hora’s Tables – Master/detail tab:
    • On the right side of the master/detail diagram, there is a new data grid. It displays column names and data types of the currently selected table.
      If the mouse cursor moves over a table in the diagram, the data grid displays the appropriate columns.
    • For your convenience, the context menu has some new items for the mouse-over table.
      Each menu item duplicates an existing context menu item of the tables overview grid, but uses the context of the mouse-over table:

      • Show DDL
      • Browser Data Content
      • Copy SELECT statement
  • The ORDS | Clients page now displays granted privileges and roles for each client.
    The context menu shows menu items to grant a role to an ORDS client and revoke, respecitively.
  • The ER Diagrammer now displays rectangular rather than direct diagonal connections.
  • The setup installs Wibu CodeMeter runtime version 8.00a. It is strictly recommended to update the CodeMeter runtime, especially on your network license server. Download the runtime setup from . See also Wibu Security Advisories.

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