- In KeepTool 14.2.2 the Filter Box for in-memory filtering data grids now supports a new token-based style. This style helps end-users easily differentiate between colorized filter items and modify or clear individual filter conditions. The new style is also available in built-in Filter Builder dialog.
- The Schema | Policies data grid now shows detail information regarding security relevant columns.
- Oracle 21c is now supported
- Data fetch performance in direct mode has improved
- LOB read/write performance has been improved
- The column reorder dialog is now resizable to allow the column names listbox to expand.
If you drag a column name near the top or bottom of the listbox, the content of the listbox now scrolls automatically up or down. - Both the integrated as well as the standalone SQL file editor allow you to visually compare two SQL files.
Here we optimized the painting of the visualization bar on the right that highlights the relative position of each change within the compared files. - Because of an increase in the number of users running the tools over remote desktop during Covid there have been done some optimizations. Using the WTS API the handling of RDP session change notifications (WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE) has been implemented to avoid flickering/repainting issues.
- As you remember, maybe, the “Schema dependencies” tab on the “Schema” page displays a diagram that visualizes super- and subordinated dependencies of the current database schema to and from other schemas. In the left of the box that represents the current schema you can see all ‘master’ schemas the current schema is having by either a foreign key reference or an object dependency to the appropriate ‘master’ schema. In the right of the current schema you can see all ‘detail’ schemas having either a foreign key reference or an object dependency to the current schema.
In KeepTool 14.2.2, we added a data grid to the right of the diagram. If you click any schema in the diagram, the data grid lists all objects of the selected schema having a foreign key reference or an object dependency to an object in another database schema. For the database object currently selected in the data grid, another data grid below shows all dependent objects from any other schema directly connected by a line.
For more information, see our blog article “Oracle schema dependencies“. - If you download a file such as an XLSX workbook from the Internet, MS Windows marks the file as blocked because it may harm the computer. As a result, if you tried to import a blocked file using Hora’s data import wizard, imported data was scrambled. To process the file correctly, it should be unblocked before import either by marking a checkbox in the properties sheet of the Windows explorer or a Powershell command.
In this KeepTool version, Hora’s data import wizard automatically detects blocked files and, after user confirmation, unblocks the file before opening it for reading. - Reverse DB now shows a new combobox that allows you to choose the encoding of the generated DDL script as well as subsequently where required generated data insert scripts.