Oracle 7.3 - Oracle 23ai 20+ years of experience Version (Released: )
KeepTool 11.0.7
07 Oct 2014
Similar to tables, packages and other objects, the “users” page highlights recently created accounts using three graded shades of green.
User accounts having their password expired are highlighted yellow. Within grace period, highlighting starts with reduced intensity.
A new overview tab sheet on the schema page shows a summary of the status of various object categories.
Setup procedure is now digitally signed.
New last login timestamp column on “users” page for Oracle 12c DB.
Improved calculation of the “predefined” column on users and roles grids for Oracle 12c database.
New context menu item “Reset current password …” on users page to reset the existing password, e.g. when expiration within grace period.
Improved performance on database | roles page.
Network license now can be transferred to another machine.
You can now use different editions with different users simultaneously on the same machine, e.g. when using terminal services. See new chapter “Multi-user environment on a terminal server” in our installation and licensing guide for details.