Oracle 7.3 - Oracle 23ai 20+ years of experience Version (Released: )
KeepTool 11.0.0
17 Feb 2014
KeepTool 11 is now available as a native 64 bit application.
Our new version is packaged in 3 editions:
Light Edition
(contains HoraLight)
Professional Edition
(contains Hora, SQL Editor, Reverse DB and HTML Doc)
Enterprise Edition
(contains Hora, SQL Editor, Reverse DB, HTML Doc, ER Diagrammer, Debugger and new DB Compare)
We use a new licensing procedure that allows license transfer between workstations and a more flexible license management.
KeepTool 11 supports touch screen gestures.
Support for Oracle 12c database and 12c client software has been added.
Support for IP V.6 has been added to the direct TCP/IP connectivity. You can change between IPv4, IPv6 and IPBoth in the settings.
The Direct TCP/IP option now supports connections via service_name or instance by using a syntax like
Our new DB Compare tool allows you to compare databases
It shows a list of changed objects
For each changed object you can see syntax highlighted DDL statements side by side, whereas different background color indicate the added, removed and changed parts.
The indicator area next to the scrollbar visualizes the region of source code that is captured by the visible editor area and where changed source has been changed.
Create an update script to synchronize structure (basic support)
General changes
Modal dialogs for renaming Oracle objects now show you the current utilization of the 30-character-limited length for the new identifier
Each Hora page now shows information about the database connected to. This is helpful when running multiple KeepTool instances against different databases at the same time.
For Windows 7 and later our tools now make use of progressbar animation in the Windows taskbar when perfoming data dictionary scans in RevDDL, ER Diagrammer, DB Compare, HTML Doc.
For SYS and SYSTEM users you can configure now a separate start page. By default it shows the SQL page instead of the tables page.
Changes on the schema page
The schema privileges cross table view now uses a different background color when the user has a private synonym for the object. That allows you to view both private privileges and synonyms in a single grid view.
New context menu items have been added for creating and dropping synonyms for all granted or all not granted objects.
A new tab sheet shows unusable indexes.
The new menu item Schema | Mask Schema Data opens a wizard that helps you to anonymize your database.
A new menu item Schema | Recently changed objects shows you a list of recently changed database objects including time stamps.
Hora now remembers a “current schema” change from the last session and asks you when connecting again if you want to change the schema.
Several new context menu items have been added to the Table | Copy to clipboard menu on the tables overview page:
Table description
Copies the column definition of the table into the clipboard
MERGE statement
Creates a MERGE SQL statement for the selected table
WHERE condition
creates a template for a WHERE condition that includes all columns
Copy to clipboard | CURSOR FOR LOOP
Creates a CURSOR FOR LOOP statement for the selected table.
Read-only columns are now displayed using a gray font.
The context menu on the tables | overview page that generates a SELECT statement now prompts you for an (optional) table alias.
New menu items have been added to the triggers context menu:
Sequenced PK trigger wizard
It helps you to create a trigger that fills the primary key column from a sequence value.
Mutating trigger wizard
It creates a compound trigger to avoid the “mutating error” when updating an aggregated value of the master table value after changes on the detail table.
Instead of trigger wizard
It is a great help for creating instead of triggers for views.
A new menu item Table | Column | Lob segment | Move tablespace
allows you to move a lob segment to another tablespace
A separate Show DDL menu items has been added for constraints and for indexes
SQL editor changes
A new menu item in the SQL editor “Selected object | Expand CURSOR FOR LOOP” changes the selected table name to a CURSOR FOR LOOP statement.
Double-clicking a word in the SQL editor highlights all occurrences of the word in the editor
The Query generator now optionally speaks ANSI SQL (INNER JOIN, etc.)
The query execution plan now can be exported to Excel
The SQL Query builder now uses a blue font for not null columns.
Data content browser and SQL resultset grid
The tree view now shows different cell background colors depending on the indention depth. This makes it much easier to understand the tree structure.
The Excel export option is now also available for the tree view as well.
The SQL recording now also keeps track of DML changes made by editing data in content grid
Besides the INSERT and UPDATE script, you can now generate a MERGE and a DELETE script from the data content grid.
The Data Content | Create Update Script command now shows you a list of Primary Key and UNIQUE constraints. This allows you to choose which key columns will be used to build the WHERE condition
The generated HTML documentation for the schema now
Ahows views in a separate list.
Shows cross-references between tables/views and PL/SQL objects.
View and package definition now uses syntax highlighting
Spatial data support
The create INSERT script command now supports the SDO_GEOMETRY data type.
A new context menu item both data contents and SQL query result set grid allow structured SDO_GEOMETRY data view
A new Tables | Columns | Bounding Rect sheet shows the bounding rectangle for spatial columns (ALL_SDO_GEOM_METADATA).
A Context menu item copies an INSERT statement into the clipboard for transfering the bounding rectangle to another database.
Another context menu item allows you to export spatial data from a field to a KML file that can be opened in Google EarthTM
A new context menu item in both SQL and data content pages allow you to create a KML file from spatial data for the entire result set.
On the Schema page you will find a new tab sheet “Spatial columns” showing all spatial columns of the schema including the bounding rectangle definition from ALL_SDO_GEOM_METADATA and the supporting spatial index. The context menu allows you to create an insert script that also rebuilds the spatial index. Furthermore, you can export the bounding rectangle to a KML file for showing in Google EarthTM.
PL/SQL page
The error highlighting now uses more subdued colors.
The height of the PL/SQL error list is now automatically adjusted according to the number of errors.
PL/SQL packages automatically recompile the package body when the package specification has been changed. This shows you resulting errors immediately rather than invalidating the body only.
PL/SQL packages and bodies as well as procedures and functions are now show on the same tab. This makes it much more easier to switch between package specification and body.
PL/SQL objects as well as tables/views with LAST_DDL_TIME changed recently are highlighted in green color. Now you see at a glance what has been changed recently. There is a confirmation button that resets highlighting horizon to current date.
Red highlighting of erroneous objects keeps as is, but uses a more subdued hue.
Recently changed objects that are currently invalid are highlighted in yellow color instead of green.
The PL/SQL page keeps track of the editor scroll position when switching between PLSQL source code of different objects during session
The sessions page introduces new highlighting colors:
transaction+active: green
in transaction+inactive: yellow
The sessions page now shows the service name. A checkbox marks sessions running locally on your machine.
Reverse DB now generated PL/SQL code to create Policies
There is a new Active Session History tab on the AWR page.
A new page DBA Container Database has been added for Oracle 12c.