Oracle 7.3 - Oracle 23ai 20+ years of experience Version (Released: )

KeepTool 11.0.0

17 Feb 2014

  • KeepTool 11 is now available as a native 64 bit application.
  • Our new version is packaged in 3 editions:
    • Light Edition
      (contains HoraLight)
    • Professional Edition
      (contains Hora, SQL Editor, Reverse DB and HTML Doc)
    • Enterprise Edition
      (contains Hora, SQL Editor, Reverse DB, HTML Doc, ER Diagrammer, Debugger and new DB Compare)
  • We use a new licensing procedure that allows license transfer between workstations and a more flexible license management.
  • KeepTool 11 supports touch screen gestures.
  • Support for Oracle 12c database and 12c client software has been added.
  • Support for IP V.6 has been added to the direct TCP/IP connectivity. You can change between IPv4, IPv6 and IPBoth in the settings.
  • The Direct TCP/IP option now supports connections via service_name or instance by using a syntax like
    • hostname:port:sn=servicename
    • hostname:port:sid=instancename
  • Our new DB Compare tool allows you to compare databases
  • It shows a list of changed objects
  • For each changed object you can see syntax highlighted DDL statements side by side, whereas different background color indicate the added, removed and changed parts.
  • The indicator area next to the scrollbar visualizes the region of source code that is captured by the visible editor area and where changed source has been changed.
    • Create an update script to synchronize structure (basic support)
  • General changes
    • Modal dialogs for renaming Oracle objects now show you the current utilization of the 30-character-limited length for the new identifier
    • Each Hora page now shows information about the database connected to. This is helpful when running multiple KeepTool instances against different databases at the same time.
    • For Windows 7 and later our tools now make use of progressbar animation in the Windows taskbar when perfoming data dictionary scans in RevDDL, ER Diagrammer, DB Compare, HTML Doc.
    • For SYS and SYSTEM users you can configure now a separate start page. By default it shows the SQL page instead of the tables page.
    • Changes on the schema page
    • The schema privileges cross table view now uses a different background color when the user has a private synonym for the object. That allows you to view both private privileges and synonyms in a single grid view.
    • New context menu items have been added for creating and dropping synonyms for all granted or all not granted objects.
    • A new tab sheet shows unusable indexes.
    • The new menu item Schema | Mask Schema Data opens a wizard that helps you to anonymize your database.
    • A new menu item Schema | Recently changed objects shows you a list of recently changed database objects including time stamps.
    • Hora now remembers a “current schema” change from the last session and asks you when connecting again if you want to change the schema.
  • Several new context menu items have been added to the Table | Copy to clipboard menu on the tables overview page:
    • Table description
      Copies the column definition of the table into the clipboard
    • MERGE statement
      Creates a MERGE SQL statement for the selected table
    • WHERE condition
      creates a template for a WHERE condition that includes all columns
    • Copy to clipboard | CURSOR FOR LOOP
      Creates a CURSOR FOR LOOP statement for the selected table.
    • Read-only columns are now displayed using a gray font.
  • The context menu on the tables | overview page that generates a SELECT statement now prompts you for an (optional) table alias.
  • New menu items have been added to the triggers context menu:
    • Sequenced PK trigger wizard
      It helps you to create a trigger that fills the primary key column from a sequence value.
    • Mutating trigger wizard
      It creates a compound trigger to avoid the “mutating error” when updating an aggregated value of the master table value after changes on the detail table.
    • Instead of trigger wizard
      It is a great help for creating instead of triggers for views.
  • A new menu item Table | Column | Lob segment | Move tablespace
    allows you to move a lob segment to another tablespace
  • A separate Show DDL menu items has been added for constraints and for indexes
  • SQL editor changes
    • A new menu item in the SQL editor “Selected object | Expand CURSOR FOR LOOP” changes the selected table name to a CURSOR FOR LOOP statement.
    • Double-clicking a word in the SQL editor highlights all occurrences of the word in the editor
    • The Query generator now optionally speaks ANSI SQL (INNER JOIN, etc.)
    • The query execution plan now can be exported to Excel
    • The SQL Query builder now uses a blue font for not null columns.
  • Data content browser and SQL resultset grid
    • The tree view now shows different cell background colors depending on the indention depth. This makes it much easier to understand the tree structure.
    • The Excel export option is now also available for the tree view as well.
    • The SQL recording now also keeps track of DML changes made by editing data in content grid
    • Besides the INSERT and UPDATE script, you can now generate a MERGE and a DELETE script from the data content grid.
    • The Data Content | Create Update Script command now shows you a list of Primary Key and UNIQUE constraints. This allows you to choose which key columns will be used to build the WHERE condition
  • The generated HTML documentation for the schema now
    • Ahows views in a separate list.
    • Shows cross-references between tables/views and PL/SQL objects.
    • View and package definition now uses syntax highlighting
  • Spatial data support
    • The create INSERT script command now supports the SDO_GEOMETRY data type.
    • A new context menu item both data contents and SQL query result set grid allow structured SDO_GEOMETRY data view
    • A new Tables | Columns | Bounding Rect sheet shows the bounding rectangle for spatial columns (ALL_SDO_GEOM_METADATA).
    • A Context menu item copies an INSERT statement into the clipboard for transfering the bounding rectangle to another database.
    • Another context menu item allows you to export spatial data from a field to a KML file that can be opened in Google EarthTM
    • A new context menu item in both SQL and data content pages allow you to create a KML file from spatial data for the entire result set.
    • On the Schema page you will find a new tab sheet “Spatial columns” showing all spatial columns of the schema including the bounding rectangle definition from ALL_SDO_GEOM_METADATA and the supporting spatial index. The context menu allows you to create an insert script that also rebuilds the spatial index. Furthermore, you can export the bounding rectangle to a KML file for showing in Google EarthTM.
  • PL/SQL page
    • The error highlighting now uses more subdued colors.
    • The height of the PL/SQL error list is now automatically adjusted according to the number of errors.
    • PL/SQL packages automatically recompile the package body when the package specification has been changed. This shows you resulting errors immediately rather than invalidating the body only.
    • PL/SQL packages and bodies as well as procedures and functions are now show on the same tab. This makes it much more easier to switch between package specification and body.
    • PL/SQL objects as well as tables/views with LAST_DDL_TIME changed recently are highlighted in green color. Now you see at a glance what has been changed recently. There is a confirmation button that resets highlighting horizon to current date.
    • Red highlighting of erroneous objects keeps as is, but uses a more subdued hue.
    • Recently changed objects that are currently invalid are highlighted in yellow color instead of green.
    • The PL/SQL page keeps track of the editor scroll position when switching between PLSQL source code of different objects during session
  • The sessions page introduces new highlighting colors:
    • transaction+active: green
    • in transaction+inactive: yellow
  • The sessions page now shows the service name. A checkbox marks sessions running locally on your machine.
  • Reverse DB now generated PL/SQL code to create Policies
  • There is a new Active Session History tab on the AWR page.
  • A new page DBA Container Database has been added for Oracle 12c.

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