Oracle 7.3 - Oracle 23ai 20+ years of experience Version (Released: )
KeepTool 5.0.6
20 Nov 2001
Added a new Result to Logfile context menu item to each grid. It fetches the entire result set from the server and dumps the data to the log file.
Added File | Disconnect menu item to Hora and the standalone SQL editor.
The Templates directory (CodeSnip.txt, etc.) is now customizable using the Extras | Settings menu item.
Reverse/DDL now supports nested tables.
A new Help | System Environment Information menu Item shows details about the configuration of the database server and your workstation. Please attach the information to any customer support request.
For modifications to table data on the Tables | Contents sheet or in SQL Workbench, Hora now insures that the record has not been changed by another user. You can disable this feature through a checkbox in the Extras | Settings dialog.